Staying Safe on Construction Sites This Winter

construction workers dressed for winter safety during snowfall

With winter right around the corner, we’re prepping to keep up the construction momentum even when the temperatures drop. At Robey Inc., we mix fun with safety. In this blog post, we’re dishing out tips on “Cold Weather Safety on Construction Sites.” So grab your hot coffee and let’s dive in!

Recognizing Hazardous Winter Conditions

We all know winter weather is unpredictable—a cold snap can ambush a job site and a crucial deadline. Staying on top of temperatures, wind chills, and frequent weather alerts allows us to anticipate risky conditions. Taking a proactive, project manager approach to weather monitoring keeps our workforce safe. 

Safety stems from preparation and awareness—values we build our reputation on. By closely tracking the forecast, we can outmaneuver Old Man Winter’s hazards this season.

The Wind Chill—Cold’s Dynamic Duo

It’s a chilly day on the job site. The temperature and wind speed team up, creating a dynamic duo of coldness. This duo determines the wind chill factor—the real “feels like” level that has a direct impact on our workers.

Now, imagine stronger winds cutting through the air. What’s happening? They’re stripping away that cozy, insulating layer of warm air around the body. It’s like a superhero cape being whisked away, leaving you exposed. The result? The felt air temperature drops significantly, making it feel even colder than the actual thermometer reading.

  • “The temperature and wind speed—the dynamic duo of coldness”—The combination of temperature and wind speed determines the wind chill factor—the real “feels like” level that impacts workers. 
  • Higher winds drastically lower the felt air temperature by removing the insulating layer of warm air around the body. This accelerates cold exposure, putting workers at risk of hypothermia, frostbite, and reduced coordination

The colder a worker gets, the less safe they become. Monitoring this dynamic duo allows us to make informed decisions about proper gear, scheduling, protocols, and other measures to maintain productivity and safety as the mercury drops. 

Moisture Magnifies the Cold 

  • “Wetness, whether it’s rain from above or sweat from exertion—these can crank up the cold factor.”—Moisture from rain or sweat removes insulation. Wet clothes or skin lose heat up to 25 times faster than when dry
  • This rapidly escalates cold exposure, leading to impaired motor function, mental confusion, and poor decision making

A wet worker gets colder more quickly. Recognizing moisture’s role allows us to take critical precautions—like having spare dry clothes, or taking breaks to change wet gear, and adjusting workloads to prevent excessive sweating. Staying dry is key to keeping all crews on site safer, coordinated and alert.

Dressing for Winter Success 

Understanding the elements is vital to tackling Old Man Winter. The temperature-wind combo determines the wind chill factor and how cold it really feels. Wetness from rain or sweat amplifies the cold danger. 

proper gear for winter construction

Gearing up properly is the first defense against these threats. The right insulating, water-resistant layers will block the wind’s bite and prevent moisture. For our crews, that means having:

  • Thermal base layers to retain body heat
    • Long underwear to wick away sweat.
    • Thick flannel and/or insulated overalls
  • Insulated, wind-proof outerwear to deflect the elements
    • Heavy-duty/Waterproof jacket
    • Insulated hard hat liners and/or balaclavas.
  • Waterproof gloves and footwear to stay dry
    • Gloves with insulating liner 
    • Insulated work boots with hardcore treads.

Rewarming Breaks—A Strategic Tactic

robey employees utilizing a warming station

We know you’re tough as nails—true construction warriors who can work through anything. But even the most resilient folks need to recharge sometimes.

body temperature gauge graphic

Take regular rewarming pit stops in sheltered, warm, dry areas throughout the day – don’t think of it as a break, but a strategic heat preservation tactic.

These short breaks fully recharge your body’s core temperature so you can finish your shift energized.

It’s 10 minutes of warmth to reboot your internal furnace so you can get back to work at 100%. A quick cup of hot coffee can restore your core temp so you can hammer, weld, and plow ahead with vigor.

robey employees enjoying a coffee break

By taking occasional rewarming breaks, you’ll stay energized and focused, and work at peak performance all day. This win-win tactic benefits you through increased safety and productivity, and the project deadline by maintaining construction momentum.



Staying Dry and Toasty

Exposure to freezing temperatures poses major risks to workers on construction sites. Prolonged cold can lead to hazardous conditions like hypothermia, frostbite, and impaired motor skills. This makes workers more accident- and injury-prone

Our position as leaders in the construction industry means we must be proactive and make worker safety from cold a top priority. This necessitates comprehensive preparations like:

  • Outfitting crews properly with insulating, waterproof cold weather gear.
  • Scheduling mandatory rewarming breaks in protected areas. 
  • Adjusting work pace and schedules to prevent exhaustion and cold stress.
  • Providing emergency supplies and closely monitoring workers for signs of cold exposure.

By being vigilant and making worker safety a top priority across all our projects, we can overcome hazardous winter conditions. Protecting our dedicated workforce requires foresight and commitment from every leadership level. By working together against the elements, we’ll continue driving this industry forward, regardless of weather.

Key Winter Worksite Precautions

Share these vital winter safety tips with your crew before the cold hits. Keeping these key precautions top of mind together will help your team proactively take on Old Man Winter and any hazards that come your way. Teamwork and preparation are the keys to staying productive and conquering the cold conditions!

  • Dodge Exhaustion and Overexertion: Don’t overdo it—overexertion makes you sweat, which is dangerous in the cold.
  • Hydrate Wisely: Drink warm, sweet drinks to maintain your core temperature. Avoid alcohol—it might make you feel warm temporarily but actually lowers your body temperature.
  • Use the Buddy System: Plan work smartly and never go it alone—use the buddy system to monitor each other and stay warm together.

Winter Construction Safety Strategies 

At Robey Inc., safety is our trusty co-pilot through every winter work day. Our decades of experience have proven that following preventative guidelines keeps projects on track despite the weather. 

By properly outfitting crews, strategically adjusting schedules, and vigilantly monitoring conditions, we can overcome hazardous cold. If your team implements these winter protocols, you’ll be equipped to conquer Old Man Winter while delivering quality work. 

As always, safety is a top priority and key to our shared success. Our seasoned team has navigated countless tough winters, and we’ll beat this one too by working together. Reach out with any questions!

Here’s to a safe, productive season ahead. Let it snow!